gvB`yj Kí : gvngy`yi ingvb gvbœv Ges mv‡`K †nv‡mb †LvKvi fvBevi K‡_vcK_b duvm wb‡q AveviI DËß †`‡ki ivR‰bwZK A½b| Z‡e GLv‡b GKwU cÖkœ mevi g‡bB NyicvK Lv‡”Q| fvBevi †dvbvjv‡c wK AvwocvZv hvq? Avi hw` AvwocvZv bv-B hvq, Zvn‡j Zv‡`i †dvbvjvc duvm Ki‡jv †K?
fvBevi g~jZ GKwU wfIAvBwc A¨vc| `yB cÖv‡š—i K‡_vcK_b Gbwµ‡ÞW Ae¯’vq GK cÖvš— †_‡K Aci cÖv‡š— †cŠuQvq G ai‡Yi mdUIq¨v‡i| d‡j GLv‡b ga¨c‡_ AvwocvZv m¤¢e bq e‡jB gZ w`‡”Qb cÖhyw³ we‡klÁiv| fvBevi KZ©…c¶ Rvwb‡q‡Q, fvBev‡ii `yB c‡¶i K‡_vcK_‡b Z…Zxq c‡¶i G‡·m m¤¢e bq| hw`I Zviv Av‡M GKwU ÎywUi Kvi‡Y wKQy g¨v‡m‡Ri †WUv duvm n‡q wM‡qwQj e‡j ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Q| fvBevi ej‡Q, GB ÎywU `~i Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i c¶ †_‡K †Rvi c`‡¶c †bIqv n‡q‡Q| eZ©gv‡b Avgv‡`i †WUv KwgDwb‡Kkb wm‡÷g AZ¨vaywbK Gbwµck‡bi gv‡a‡g m¤ú~Y© wbivc`|
fvBevi †_‡K cvVv‡bv DËiwU cvVK‡`i Rb¨ ûeû †`Iqv n‡jv - We have found no evidence to support the claim that any third party is able to access Viber. In the past, we found a flaw that exposed some media message data. We have since taken aggressive steps to correct this flaw. Today, our data communications systems are extremely secure and messages are protected by state-of-the-art encryption. User privacy is at the foremost of our concerns and we are continuously improving measures to enhance communication security with every version release. We would greatly appreciate if you are to send us some information of these recent events in Bangladesh, specifically information published in your countryÕs media. This is to allow us to investigate any privacy and security claims and in general, to help us to further increase our usersÕ privacy and reliance on Viber.
Z‡e Z_¨cÖhyw³ we‡klÁ‡`i g‡Z, fvBevi †dvbvjvc Kivi Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Ab¨ wKQy Dcvq| Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q Kvw·¶Z e¨w³i ¯§vU©‡dv‡b ¯úvBIq¨vi BÝUj K‡i †`Iqv hvi gva¨‡g †dv‡bi mKj Z_¨ cvIqv m¤¢e, ZvI Avevi `~i †_‡KB| Avi m¤úÖwZ miKvi A‡bK UvKv LiP K‡i †gvevBj †dv‡b bRi`vwi miÄvg ¯’vcb K‡i‡Q| A‡b‡K g‡b Ki‡Qb, fvBevi †dvbvjv‡c GB miÄvg e¨envi K‡iB AvwocvZv n‡q‡Q|
Z‡e GB †¶‡Î GKwU welq mvg‡b P‡j Avm‡Q| Avi †mwU nj, ¯§vU©‡dv‡bi A¨vc †÷v‡i Ggb A‡bK A¨vc i‡q‡Q hvi gva¨‡g fvBevi, ¯‹vBc wKsev Ab¨ AviI wKQy A¨v‡ci K‡_vcK_b †iKW© Kiv m¤¢e| G‡¶‡Î Ab¨ c¶ ¸bv¶‡iI Rvb‡Z cvi‡e bv †h Zv‡`i †dvbvjvc †iKW© Kiv n‡”Q| G‡ÿ‡ÎI wK GgbUvB N‡U‡Q?
wcÖq WU Kg